Our youth activities promote Quaker values and the importance of worshiping together.  We seek a better understand of ourselves and others by listening to God's word, listening for God's word, and playing together.

If you have questions or want to learn more about our youth programs, contact us: seavillemeeting@gmail.com



Excerpt from Faith and Practice: pg 44

"Responsibilities of monthly meetings Monthly meetings have a special responsibility to bring children and adults under their care into full participation in the life of the meeting and into an understanding of the beliefs and practices of the Religious Society of Friends.  Meetings are expected to offer religious education programs for their members and attenders.  Such programs can include special study groups, worship sharing opportunities, service projects, and Meeting libraries, but the cornerstone of religious education for most Meetings is a thriving First Day School program for children, youth, and adults.  These efforts will succeed only if members actively support them by full participation, rather than leaving parents to cope alone with the religious education of their children."




Our youth began fundraising for the Souper Bowl in 2009.  Financial support and non-perishable items have been collected for St. Casimir's Food Pantry in Woodbine, Food Bank of Southern NJ in EHT, and the food pantry in Somers Point.  A B-I-G thanks to the members/attenders/guests of Seaville who have continued to make this event a success for the community.   Souperbowl is a national fundraiser that helps develop a better understanding of the balance between hunger and wealth in America. http://www.souperbowl.org/  


First Day School  

Our religious education program for children (2yrs and up) takes place during adult worship.  We do crafts, role play, write plays, create diaramas, cook, and just have a good time learning together.


Heifer Project International 

At Seaville we focus on the efforts of Heifer to build sustainable lives for people through purchasing livestock and renewable resources.  We collect funds twice a year for this organization.   http://www.heifer.org  


Beach Meeting

When we are able to sit on the beach together we use it as time for connecting with the Divine and with one another.  Typically held one day in the summer to bring the children together again before fall programming begins.



 * Souper Bowl of Caring - The children of Seaville's FDS program raised $155 in 2012 which is being donated to St. Casimir's church in Woodbine (now named Saint Maximilian Kolbe)  to help support their food pantry.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe Food Panty in Woodbine 

Seaville's Souper Bowl page

Community Garden  2009    

"The Peace Garden", located on the property of Seaville Meeting, was the name chosen on Feb 1, 2009 at Peace and Social Concerns meeting.  

 C - Children   R - Raising   O - Organic   P - Produce   S - Simply

Dedicated to the memory of Jean Fuschillo


2010 March Sessions banner           

The children of the First Day School designed and completed this banner for PYM March Sessions 2010.   The theme was "We Make the Road by Walking".   Sam, Jake, Fionna, Margaret, Colleen, Alma and Eliza were assisted by Betsy, Mel, Jill, Kara and Sue.     



2009 PYM Annual Sessions Banner  

Annual Sessions was March 27-29, 2009 at Arch Street Meeting house and our children designed a double sided banner for this event.  The theme was "Living Up To The Light"  and the kids choose to focus on our beautiful oak tree and our up-and-coming garden.  Look closely at the handmade food items and the details on the tree, and be sure to ask the kids about the inspirations.